Drawn to fire

Drawn to fire


“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” (Abe Lincoln)

It’s October now. 18 years have passed since the world witnessed the deadliest terrorist attack in human history. The shocked looks on the faces of people watching planes crash into building, as if it was a scene taken from a disaster movie, are still etched on an endless number of hearts around the world. With a death toll of 2,977 people, over 6,000 injured and at least 10 billion dollars of infrastructural damage – we’d like to believe the lesson learned.

But in the past 18 years, we witnessed more and more aerial terrorist attacks. Though the numbers are thankfully nowhere near, the damage and causality rate is still unacceptable.

Today, taking flight lessons or boarding a flight with a cardboard opener is much more complicated, but these means are no longer necessary to bring colossal damage back.

Only a few weeks ago, 2 major oilfields in Saudi-Arabia were attacked by 10 drones sent by Yemen rebels, with the long reach of the Iranian hand. While no human loss was reported – the financial damage is still unclear but has already passed 5 billion dollars.

In terms of awareness, this terrorist attack practically “flew under the radar”. The main reason for this is probably the sad news that it’s still hard to predict, prevent or thwart such type of attacks. A simple of the shelf consumer drone can turn lethal with no problems or difficulties. Carrying small arms or a small amount of explosive, maneuvering easily in an urban area, locating its target using a simple camera and moving for the kill with nobody noticing until it’s too late. A bit more complicated, yet still accessible – a UAV carrying CBRNe materials, can easily deploy from an unseen base of operations, cross a border unnoticed, arrive at a tactical location, and impact the lives of millions. Whether an assassination or a mega-assault, we can predict the next terrorist attack is only a matter of time, but we cannot predict, where, when or how it will occur. Terrorist organizations are way more creative, with technology playing at their side.


As drone technology rapidly evolves, their ability to inflict large-scale damage is greater. Whilst a small, domestic drone, may not pose a threat to an oilfield, it can still pose a serious threat to an airport or a public figure. However, pre-programmed drone swarms have the potential to carry-out a large-scale attack. In this case, traditional counter-measures will be rendered useless.

Generally, anti-drone countermeasures are divided into Passive or Active systems, with the use of jamming, cyber-technology, or neutralization systems.

Integrating different systems security officers can detect, and track a drone. The operator is able to neutralize the drone using a jamming system, to jam the frequency range and video links, this includes drone capturing, takeover, or the drone “home”.


Terror seeks both civil and military targets. In addition to the many threats, there are regulations that differ from one country to another. This calls for a more holistic approach, providing an efficient and comprehensive solution that can be adapted to the specific requirements of the client, taking into account location and type of facility.

SKYLOCK’s multi-layered, modular solution, integrates a wide array of counter-UAV technologies; offering full protection of critical infrastructures, borders, assets, VIPs, sensitive locations and more. SKYLOCK’s flexible approach has put the company at the forefront of anti-drone technology, with several systems already deployed and operational in strategic sites.

SKYLOCK’s comprehensive solution provides:

  • Mobile capabilities
  • Multiple drones counter-measure
  • Diverse technologies
  • Quick response active mean
  • 360ͦ coverage Detection
  •  Up to 20km for large UAV or drone detection
  • 3.5km for small drones
  • Neutralisation: Up to15km 
  • Acquisition: Up to 5km


With easy access to off-the-shelf drones, the growing technological capabilities of criminals and terror groups, the need to continuously develop newer and more innovative technologies to adapt to new threats is pre-requisite. SKYLOCK’s experts are currently working on their new strategic weapon that will provide a solution to drone swarms.

So watch our space, or visit us at Milipol,Paris, from November 19-22, 2019.

Meet Us At Milipol Paris 2019
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SKYLOCK EUROPE: Chitila City, 14 Banatului Road, Block 28, Ground floor, Flat 293, Ilfov County, Romania

SKYLOCK ASIA: 1 Fullerton Road, #02-01 One Fullerton, Singapore 049213
Email: [email protected]