ISIS Threatens of Drone Attack in France

ISIS Threatens of Drone Attack in France

ISIS Threatens of Drone Attack in France

Terrorists attaining advanced tech

ISIS and other terror groups have long been looking for ways of staging game-changing attacks on Western targets. Drones have now become the latest lethal toy for the Hezbollah, ISIS and the Houthis, who have already demonstrated their capability to fly reconnaissance missions over enemy targets, drop bombs on hostile combatants, and attack missile defense systems — and those are just a few examples of things reported by the media.

ISIS threatens an attack on France

Media sources reported on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, 2018 that an ISIS-associated media group had posted an image with the Eiffel Tower in the cross-hairs and a drone flying nearby. A jihadist is seen walking in the foreground with the text “Await for our surprises” signaling ISIS’s desire to stage an attack on French soil. The Eiffel Tower, a symbol of French history and culture, has been previously feared to be on the target list of terrorist groups. Four months ago, it was fenced off by a 10ft protective barrier.

drone Eiffel tower background

Previous attacks

With dozens if not hundreds of rumored terrorist “sleeper” cells in the country, ISIS has long sought to carry out large-scale attacks on French soil. It claimed responsibility for the November 2015 Paris Attacks that left 130 civilians dead and more than 400 wounded. In May of this year, the terrorist group posted a depiction of French President Emmanuel Macron, with the inscription “sang pour sang” translated in French as “blood for blood.” France is a key partner in the war on terror, flying air raids and providing supplies and intelligence for troops engaging terrorists in the Middle East and North Africa since the early 2000s.

SKYLOCK’s answer to terror drones

SKYLOCK’s suite of anti-drone technology systems provides early detection, long-range protection, and neutralization of hostile drones. With a growing threat of terrorists launching drone swarm attacks, SKYLOCK is one of few in the industry to offer technology allowing anti-drone operatives to destroy up to 200 drones simultaneously.

SKYLOCKS’s counter-drone systems have been deployed by a number of countries facing terror threats. We are also engaged in discussions to provide counter-drone solutions for international airports previously targeted by drones.

Customized solutions

SKYLOCK anti drone technology is capable of providing tailored solutions adaptable to the specific set of threats you are facingת whether be they thwarting terrorist drone attacks, providing security for public gatherings, or preventing drone/aircraft collisions.

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